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Talon's Story: VII - The Transformation
Before I began riding Talon again, I ordered him a set of hoof boots. I had previously asked Dr. Hayek if she believed in any type of...
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Talon's Story: Part VI - Holistic Horsemanship & Hoof Care
After Kim mentioned finding a Holistic Vet, I did some Google searches and found Dr. Amy Hayek. I contacted her and she agreed to...
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Talon's Story: Part V - Biomechanics & Bodywork
When I was shopping at a tack store I stumbled across a book and DVD by Dr. Gerd Heuschmann. The book was titled, “Tug of War: Classical...
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Talon's Story: Part IV - The Quest
After the clinic I found a veterinarian who focused on Sports Medicine. She did a thorough lameness exam on Talon and suspected his issue...
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Talon's Story: Part III - A Mentor
If you’re thinking from how the last blog ended, someone is going to come into my life and save me by offering me a quick, simple...
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Talon's Story: Part II - Rise & Fall
After, I became able to load Talon in the trailer we started traveling frequently for training, clinics, and competitions. It looked...
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Talon's Story: Part I - Trailer Loading
You’re going to see a theme in my partnership with Talon–mistake, after mistake, after mistake… There will always be a part of me that...
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Talon's Story: Introduction
My partnership with Talon completely transformed my approach to horsemanship. That sounds lovely, but the ingredients to this...
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Heart Hoof Care: Part VI - Laminae & Golden Line
Now that we have all of the pieces to our imaginary hoof it is time to learn how all of our pieces fit together! We will start by...
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Heart Hoof Care Part V: Digital Cushion, Sensitive Frog Corium, and Frog Tubules
We’ve learned about the sole region, the wall capsule, and the bars, but we have one more piece of our imaginary hoof to go before we can...
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Heart Hoof Care Part IV: Lateral Cartilage & Bar Tubules
We’ve learned about sole tubules and wall tubules in previous blogs, but...there are still more tubules to learn about! The next...
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Heart Hoof Care: Part III - Coronary Corium, Wall Tubules, and Periople Skin
If you grasped the concept of how the sole tubules grow from the sole corium in the previous blog you should be able to easily understand...
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Heart Hoof Care: Part II - Sole Corium & Sole Tubules
Now that we’ve learned about the bones, joints, and tendons of the lower limb we are going to start covering some specific internal...
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Heart Hoof Care: Part I - Bones, Joints, and Tendons
Anatomy can often seem a bit overwhelming and be a pretty dry subject, but it would be impossible to understand the effects of different...
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Heart Hoof Care - Introduction
I began studying the hoof and hoof care when my horse, Talon, led me down a path requiring me to do so. I vividly remember what a...
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A Love Story
Loving Memories of D'Artganan. My First Horse. My Partner and Friend for Over Two Decades. My Heart Horse. I believe the pain you feel...
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The First Time I Met Kim Walnes
I first met Kim Walnes when I had just graduated from engineering school. A friend told me she saw an interesting looking clinician on...
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Outdoor Horses
I used to look down upon pasture board. I viewed it as the “cheap” option for people who did not want to spend the money for stall board....
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Your Horse, Your Mirror
There was a time in my life when I made myself ride no matter what...stressed, sick, hurt, exhausted...didn’t matter...I had goals to...
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Be The Tortoise
There was a time in my life when I believed trainers that could produce the quickest results and progress through the levels the fastest...
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